
  • The well-known operations planner.
  • More user-friendly than the spreadsheet. No more messed up formula’s.
  • Define and apply working hours and non-working days.
  • Operations may be defined as non-split (i.e. must be completed in one go).
  • Drag & drop to move or copy items (operations, equipment or crew changes).
  • Quickly toggle operations as contingency to include in or exclude from the schedule.
  • Print hardcopy or export PDF for distribution.

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Program features

Input operational schedule

Input operations with Planned (AFE), Adjusted and Actual duration.

Tag operations as No Split (when working times are restricted), Contingency or Milestone.

Operations may have background and font color set to highlight them in the schedule.

adjustable Working Time

Easily toggle between 24 hrs. operations and specified working hours. Define non-working days. Tag operations as not splitable across non-working time/day.

When changing working time, operations are automatically recalculated.

Several features available to re-arrange shipments and personnel movements.

Logistics input

Conveniently input equipment and personnel movements below the operational schedule to easily plan them on the correct date.

Feature to move all equipment/crew changes for a date by a certain number of days (negative to pull forward). Optionally move all previous or subsequent items by the same number of days.

Equipment and crew changes may have background and font color set to highlight them in the schedule.

Ensure personnel and equipment are on location in time for the next operations.

Track personnel on location (POB).

Lookahead Report

Print lookahead schedule as shown on screen (2 pages, 14 days).

All operations, shipments and personnel movements are printed as highlighted on the screen (background and font color).

Print a hardcopy or export to PDF for distribution.

Operations Report

Easily print operations list as displayed on screen.

The list may be filtered as required for a specific date range, contingency operations hidden, milestones only, etc. For example, the list may be filtered for Milestone operations only to provide a quick overview of the project.